WELCOME TO Riyaz Intermediate College (RIC) - Ukhaiyakhas, Karari, Kaushambi

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सत्र 2025-26 के लिए प्रवेश प्रारम्भ हो चुका है|
परिषदीय परीक्षा 2024-25 में सम्मिलित होने वाले सभी छात्रों को उनके उज्जवल भविष्य की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ, आशा करते हैं कि वो अच्छे अंकों से उत्तीर्ण होकर अपने माता पिता व विद्यालय का नाम रोशन करेंगे| धन्यवाद
भौतिक विज्ञान कक्षा-12 की प्रयोगात्मक परीक्षा 05-फरवरी-2025 को होगी |
रसायन विज्ञान कक्षा-12 की प्रयोगात्मक परीक्षा 03-फरवरी-2025 को होगी |
जीव विज्ञान कक्षा-12 की प्रयोगात्मक परीक्षा 02-फरवरी-2025 को होगी |
कक्षा- 10 व 12 की प्री - बोर्ड परीक्षा व कक्षा- 09 व 11 की वार्षिक परीक्षा माध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद् प्रयागराज के आदेशानुसार सभी दिनाँक 13/01/2024 दिन शनिवार से प्रारम्भ हो रही है सभी छात्र व छात्राओं की उपस्थिति अनिवार्य है।


District Riyaz Intermediate College (RIC) - Ukhaiyakhas, Karari, Kaushambi

Riyaz Intermediate College is established on March 1974-75 at Ukhaiya Khas, Karari, Kaushmbi, U.P. Our Focus is on Student's acquiring precision in use of language, refined and gentle manners, ability to appreciate culture, power and habit of reflection. Honing a child is one of the biggest responsibilities of all. It requires an environment that consistently nurtures the young mind, body and spirit metamorphosing them into strong human beings, repositories of knowledge and skill capable of facing the challenges of growing up with grace.
The school is dedicated towards the all-round development of every students through focus on both academic and co-curriculum activity.
The Teaching techniques are modern and lesson plans are engaging and the school infrastructure is state of the art.
Riyaz Intermediate College is special because we have a unique system that allows us as students to make our way to be a better future. We have a community of respect & love for everyone no matter their race or skin colour.
The goal we have is to make a difference in the community and in ourselves to be something better.
School means to having a good education, good grades, friends, safety, being organized, respectful, responsible, friendly, polite, good manners and just to have fun & excellent education.
The aim of school to provide high quality care & education for children & a secure foundation for learning in an encouraging nurturing environment, where there is an equality of opportunity & support for all & where staff and parents of carers work in close partnership